It's been a while since I posted, I don't really have anything new to say, but figured I would ramble a little before Amanda and I get in the truck Sunday morning and start up I-15 to Salt Lake for my stem cell transplant. I first want to thank everyone that helps us all the time and especially everyone that helps Patty. We have plenty of challenges in our lives, but we also have a lot of blessings that we have been given over the years. Everyone has challenges in their lives, some are harder than others and none of us know why.
I am posting a couple of pictures with is blog, the first one is me a couple of days ago, I figured that I would let my hair grow before the heavy Chemo stopped or really slowed any hair growth on me, I hate posting any pictures of me, I do not like what I look like in a photo, but I want to remember the "before" and the next picture, "getting ready for Chemo". I decided that after last time I would go ahead and cut most eveything off before the Chemo helps remove any of it, that way it will come off in small groups instead of long clumps that would have come off if I hadn't got a hair cut. Last time I had started losing my hair before I went to a shop and got what was left all taken off. I probably should have gone shorter this time, but it will be OK.

While I am in Salt Lake the kids are really stepping up to handle things around here, We have several care givers, ward members, friends and of course the kids all taking shifts to keep an eye on Patty and help out around here. I am feeling very guilty that I won't be around and it will be so strange to not be the primary care giver for Patty for the next 2 months. We have been together for over 36 years and we have never been apart from each other this long. Again I am grateful for everyone that will make it good for Patty while I am gone.
If things go like they did last time, Monday morning I will meet with the doctors, give some blood and do all the pre-checks, then on Tuesday they will place the tube in my chest that will be the supply for all the medicine during the next 5-8 weeks. I will be admitted and then probably on Wednesday I'll get the first shot of the heavy Chemo in the form of Melphalan (spelling?). It was what they used last time and I think it's their heavey Chemo of choice for this type of procedure. If they give me the second one on Thursday, they will wait a few days and then put the stem cells back into me on Sunday or Monday and then the waiting game to make sure they grow and do what they are suppose to do.
I hope everyone is enjoying the transition from summer to fall and that everyone is happy, well and safe. Until next time.
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