Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9/29/2010 Just Checking In

I've had a pretty good weekend and good week, been off the Revlimid since last Thursday and will start it up again this Thursday because believe it or not, they actually shipped me the prescription on time this round. I have to thank Christi at Dr. Te's Office for staying on them and getting things moving.

Like I said, had a pretty good weekend, caught up on my rest and then after my Dex day on Monday and the hold over to Tuesday (yesterday) I don't seem to be crashing too bad today, we'll see later today I guess. I'm suppose to get the re-fill on the Lovenox tomorrow and between that and the Revlimid, that should hold me over for Round 3 of this protocol. We are all hoping that the blood numbers are going to be where everyone wants them and we can start planning for the Salt Lake treatment, but that remains to be seen.

I have been able to work full time this week which has been good since we're short staffed and I've been able to take care of a few things.

I'll check in again this weekend after our visit with Dr. Te to let everyone know how the blood numbers are doing. Hope everyone is well.

Friday, September 24, 2010

9/24/2010 Up early to go to St. George

Today we got up pretty early to travel to St. George to get my Arida treatment. Patty had to go to Phoenix on Thursday and didn't get back until it was too late to go up last night. We left the house about 6:00 am and stopped at the IHC lab to give blood before going to Dr. Te's Office for the treatment.

The labs are the extended version because we finished Round 2 of the Revlimid and these labs will tell whether the protocol is still working as well as it did for Round 1, we'll find out next Friday how the blood numbers are doing.

The Arida treatment went well, it took them a couple of tries to get a good vein but they did and I spent the two hours in the chair getting the bone strengthening medicine. It was a typical Friday at Dr. Te's Office with 3 -4 people in the treatment room.

We drove back to Vegas and got home around 2:00 - quick trip. We'll be hitting the road next Thursday to go up for my appointment to see Dr. Te and go over the blood results next Friday morning.

9/21/2010 The end of Revlimid Round 2

Coming to the end of Round 2 of the Revlimid Protocol, I can tell I'm getting to the end because this week's Dex didn't prop me up near as much as last week or the week before.

Not too much to talk about the treatments, the Revlimid seems to build up and compound to the end of the 21 days, so I'm looking forward to the end of this round so I get a chance to recover and bounce back from the side effects.

Monday, September 13, 2010

9/13/2010 The Weekly Routine

Since switching to the Revlimid, Lovenox and once a week Dex, it's quite a bit different schedule and routine, normally we only go to St. George twice a month, once to get the Arida bone medicine that is still intravenous in Dr. Te's office and thence once to visit with Dr. Te to go over the blood results to see how I'm doing.

I've played around a little and found that if I take the Dex late Sunday night before bedtime, it will keep me moving through all of Monday and through most of Tuesday which gives me two nearly complete work days before I start losing time to fatigue on Wednesdays and more on each Thursday afternoon. I'm hoping this round that this routine will help me battle the fatigue more than the first round when by the 3rd week it took me down most days and I didn't get a full day at work for about 1-1/2 week.

I didn't know how I would adjust to it, but I have a great respect for anyone that has to give themselves a shot each day. The Lovenox has become a chore I do each day that starts with a pinch.

Any excuse will work, but there are basically two reasons I don't blog on a regular basis, first because the routine if quite boring and other than a little heartburn, not too much happens and second because the fatigue hits me and I don't have the energy or ambition to look at my computer. I will try to do better, especially as things get closer to Salt Lake.

9/4-9/6/2010 We had a Great Weekend

Labor Day Weekend had a special twist to it this year. We always go to Parowan to celebrate with Bruce and Cara to ride ATVs and enjoy family.

This year we also celebrated the 60th wedding anniversary of Fred and Claire Dalton, our mom and dad. We gave them a big party 10 years ago on their 50th, this year they said they wanted a small affair so the eight of us took them out to dinner on Saturday night.

Mike convinced them to come down from the mountain and so he and Beverly drove them to Rusty's Steakhouse up Cedar Canyon where the rest of us met them for a good dinner and better conversation. Everyone enjoyed their food and the atmosphere there.

If you facebook, Beverly already posted some pictures of after we came out of Rusty's.

The rest of the weekend went real well, both from a visiting family standpoint and from my personal experience, since I was just starting my Revlimid I had pretty good stamina and was able to stay up and enjoy the time with everyone.

Monday morning brought the mandatory breakfast with the Parowan Lions Club and the church steps picture of the family members that could make it there. Between Cara and Bruce's family and our family and friends we had about 20 people most of the weekend, I still don't know where Bruce and Cara put everyone at night after Patty and I and Amanda, Ryan and Matt went over to stay at Mom and Dad's house.

After breakfast and the picture, we all made our way down the street to watch the parade, we had set out some chairs the night before to save our space so it was nice, it actually started off quite cool but soon warmed up as the sun came out. It was nice seeing the excitement in the eyes of the kids, we had Danella and Annie's twins with us as well as Nathan and Jacob Pectol, more candy was thrown than I can remember for several years, the look on all the kid's faces and the helping of them by moms, sisters, and others was worth the trip.

We spent the rest of the day visiting, eating and eventually saying goodbye to everyone that came to visit until it was time for us to come home too. As I said, It was a great weekend.

9/2/2010 The Meds finally make it Here!

Finally got my Revlimid this morning, only about a week longer than it should have been. Oh well, told Dr. Te about it, he didn't seem to excited, will just push everything back about a week. Started the 2nd round Thursday evening.

Friday morning 9/3 went to see Dr. Te, I got the results of the blood work we did last week, it was all good news. All the numbers we were looking at moved in the right directions. We hope they keep moving the right ways and they will be checked again at the end of round 2 of the Revlimid.

I feel pretty good at the start of the 2nd round, hopefully the fatigue will not be as bad this time as it was the 1st round.